Make your dreams come true the next time you place a bet on lucky numbers. Our Lucky Numbers Dream Guide makes falling asleep and imagining all the numbers for the next draw an easy process. Just like you would find at the local stokvel, we have a fafi dream guide PDF download for players looking to understand what their dream means.
Find the interpretation of your thoughts while you were asleep and start winning today. The collection of data to interpret lucky numbers was collated from a variety of sources and different translations. It is a widely held belief that while one is asleep, their brain does not stop working. You can find a list of lucky numbers betting sites in Uganda to place your bet today.
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How to Read Lucky Numbers Dream Guide
Punters have long believed in cosmos and their ability to communicate with the living in their dream state. Similar to the Fafi numbers game that you would find, bettors have translated dreams to form an all-encompassing guide. Quite a number of players have benefitted from the ability to interpret their dreams into numbers. Learn how to dream lotto numbers in this guide and win big. There are tons of markets that offer lottery games daily and you can find your specific dream in any of the betting markets online.
Players should note that a single number can have more than one interpretation or translation. For instance, the number 10 can have multiple interpretations according to fafi lucky numbers dream guide. It may take the form of a boat, anything oval or seemingly a cross. It, therefore, makes it important to cross-reference your dream with the relevant sources and guides that are available to you.

Chinese Dream Guide
There are suggestions that the ability to translate the different dreams originates in China. You can find a fafi circle in the local townships that are headed by participants of Chinese origin. The Chinese lucky number combinations have also been useful to playing the international lucky numbers competitions. Take a chance today and bet on the luckiest numbers that you have analysed from your dreams. We have combined a list from A-Z of all of the fafi lucky numbers dream guide for Uganda punters to use to interpreted their dreams:
- Accident = 3
- Admiral = 36
- Albino = 35
- Ambulance = 46
- Anything dirty = 34
- Anything oval = 10
- Anything round = 9
- ANC = 42
- Ants = 31
- Apple = 23
- Army = 43
- Arrow = 37
- Art = 11
- Arsenal = 9
- Arsenic = 50
- Ass = 22
- Astronaut = 43
- Aunt = 35
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- Baby = 9
- Baby (New-born) = 27
- Babes = 14
- Bad man = 26
- Bad woman = 15
- Balloons = 38
- Bathroom = 50
- Battle = 31
- Battleship = 19
- Beard = 46
- Bed = 4
- Beep = 15
- Bees = 26
- Beer = 6
- Beg = 31
- Best Man = 22
- Best Friend = 38
- Bicycle = 11
- Big bird = 19
- Big Breasts =41
- Big fire = 31
- Big fish = 13
- Big grave = 35
- Big hole = 35
- Big house = 25
- Big knife = 29
- Big ship = 22
- Big spirit = 31
- Big stick = 7
- Bird (Big) = 19
- Birth = 40
- Bishop = 31
- Black = 19
- Blood (Human) = 1
- Bloodshed = 39
- Bottle = 15
- Boat = 10
- Body = 20
- Body builder = 44
- Boobs = 39
- Boost = 17
- Box = 9
- Boxer = 25
- Brother = 6
- Bread = 19
- Brush = 52
- Breast 39
- Breasts = 24
- Bus = 12
- Bush = 26
- Butter = 11
- Butterfly = 18
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- Camel = 42
- Cake = 17
- Canary = 15
- Can = 23
- Car = 51
- Carnival = 47
- Carriage = 11
- Carrot = 51
- Cat = 20
- Cattle = 41
- Cave = 41
- Chasing = 4
- Chickens = 7
- Chief = 2
- Child = 18
- Child (Small) = 28
- Chinese king = 8
- Chinese Queen = 12
- Chocolate = 49
- Choke = 15
- Church = 25
- Cigars = 36
- Circus = 49
- Clock = 40
- Clothes = 35
- Clown = 48
- Coffin = 16
- Computers = 45
- Cooking = 37
- Copper = 2
- Crash = 37
- Crack = 34
- Crook = 13
- Cripple = 34
- Crocodile = 38
- Cross = 10
- Crown = 23
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- Dead man = 4
- Dead woman = 12
- Deal = 34
- Desert = 41
- Detective = 14
- Devil = 9
- Diamond = 17
- Diamond woman = 17
- Digging = 27
- Dirty (Anything) = 34
- Dirty woman = 32
- Doctor = 23
- Dog = 27
- Door = 42
- Drunken man = 8
- Drunk = 11
- Ducks = 12
- Dung (Human) = 34
- Dwarf = 40
- Eating = 24
- Eagle = 52
- Eggs = 10
- Elephant = 21
- Evil = 6
- Eye (Left) = 1
- Eye (Right) = 18
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- Fat man = 8
- Fart = 19
- Feathers = 31
- Fight = 5
- Fire (Big) = 31
- Fire (Small) = 12
- Fireworks = 38
- Fish (Big) = 13
- Fish (Small) = 28
- Fisherman = 21
- Flowers = 11
- Flying = 21
- Foot (Left) = 22
- Foot (Right) = 28
- Football = 45
- Forest = 30
- Fortune (Small) = 4
- Fowl = 30
- Fox = 14
- Friend = 31
- Frog = 3
- Funeral = 26
- Furniture = 11
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- Gate = 16
- General = 26
- Gentleman = 6
- Ghosts = 13
- Girl (Servant) = 18
- Goat = 12
- Gold money = 32
- Gold = 31
- Grasshopper = 32
- Grave = 10
- Grave (Big) = 35
- Graveyard = 30
- Gun = 15
- Gum = 36
- Hair = 23
- Hand (Left) = 19
- Hand (Right) = 29
- Handkerchief = 20
- Head = 23
- Healer (Traditional) = 40
- Help = 17
- Hell = 19
- Hole = 9
- Hole (Big) = 35
- Hook = 18
- Hooka = 22
- Horse = 23
- Horse (White) = 15
- Hospital = 25
- House (Big) = 25
- House (Small) = 16
- Human blood = 1
- Hut = 47
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- Insects (Any) = 25
- Indian = 30
- Injury = 44
- Jewellery = 45
- Jockey = 2
- Jury = 19
- Key = 46
- Kick = 37
- King = 1
- Kiss = 35
- Kite = 47
- Knife (Big) = 29
- Knife (Small) = 15
- Lawyer = 37
- Left eye = 1
- Left foot = 22
- Left hand = 19
- Letter = 16
- Lotto = 1
- Lightening = 47
- Lion = 7
- Lioness = 24
- Little boy = 33
- Little girl = 19
- Loafer = 8
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- Madman = 26
- Magic = 50
- Man (Dead) = 4
- Man (Old) = 21
- Man (White) = 1
- Masturbate = 15
- Meat = 34
- Meal = 14
- Medicine = 27
- Milk = 6
- Minister = 20
- Money = 2
- Monkey = 2
- Monster = 41
- Moon = 9
- Motor car = 22
- Mouth = 24
- Mud = 44
- Music = 20
- Naked woman = 20
- Naked Man = 36
- Native = 2
- Native woman = 14
- New-born baby = 27
- Nightmare = 48
- Nose = 21
- Nurse = 14
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- Paper money = 16
- Pastor = 16
- Pearls = 17
- Penis = 6
- People = 41
- Pig = 8
- Pigeon = 16
- Planets = 41
- Plant = 17
- Policeman = 27
- Poop = 1
- Powerball = 6
- Prostitute = 15
- Pregnant = 20
- Pumpkin = 9
- Purse = 24
- Queen 17
- Queer 41
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- Rabbit = 43
- Rain = 18
- Rape = 12
- Rain = 29
- Rainbow = 48
- Rats = 22
- Revolution = 50
- Right eye = 18
- Right foot = 28
- Right hand = 29
- River = 40
- Round (Anything) = 9
- Rural = 17
- Sangoma (Male) = 19
- Sad news = 27
- Sailor = 3
- Salon = 52
- Sangoma = 39
- Sardines = 28
- Scar = 18
- Scissors = 46
- Scream = 25
- Sea Sand = 46
- Sea Water = 3
- Servant girl = 18
- Sex = 3
- Shark = 44
- Shebeen = 49
- Sheep = 35
- Ship (Big) = 22
- Silver = 6
- Shoes = 22
- Shower = 52
- Shrimp = 36
- Silver money = 18
- Sick = 12
- Sing = 37
- Sjambok = 38
- Sky = 20
- Small child = 28
- Small fire = 12
- Small fish = 28
- Small Fortune = 4
- Small house = 16
- Small knife = 15
- Small water == 29
- Smoke = 19
- Snail = 40
- Snake = 32
- Snakes = 33
- Soccer team = 39
- Soldier = 43
- Sold = 30
- Space ship = 49
- Spear = 42
- Spider = 33
- Spirit (A Spirit) = 2
- Spirit (Big) = 31
- Spirits = 13
- Stadium = 38
- Stallion = 47
- Stars = 17
- Stick = 36
- Stick (Big) = 7
- Stole = 26
- Stool = 30
- Storm = 45
- Stranger = 21
- Stream = 37
- Strong Man = 5
- Stud farm = 44
- Stupid = 8
- Sun = 30
- Surprise = 28
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- Tan = 17
- Tattoos = 39
- Teacher = 39
- Tears = 29
- Teeth = 21
- Thief = 7
- Thief = 28
- Throat = 30
- Thunder = 43
- Tiger = 5
- Ticket 2
- Tornado 42
- Tomato 26
- Tree 1
- Traditional healer 40
- Train 10
- Tramp 34
- Trap 50
- Traffic Officer 18
- Treasure 37
- Tree 11
- Trick 19
- Trumpet 52
- Turkey 4
- Turtle 43
- TV 47
- Twitter 35
- Umbrella = 42
- UmLungu = 1
- Under = 27
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- Vixen 24
- Vagina 11
- Valve 6
- Vulture 51
- Wasp = 51
- Water (Sea) = 3
- Water (Small) = 29
- Wealth = 48
- Wedding = 3
- Whale = 48
- Wheat = 50
- White horse = 15
- White man = 1
- White woman = 17
- Wild cat = 24
- Witch = 4
- Woman = 31
- Woman (Dead) = 12
- Woman (Diamond) = 17
- Woman (Dirty) = 32
- Woman (Naked) = 20
- Woman (Native) = 14
- Woman (Old) = 14
- Woman (White) = 17
- Woman (Young) = 16
- Wood = 11
- Work = 7
- Working = 28
- Wrestler = 45
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- Yak = 30
- Yacht = 35
- Young woman = 16
- Young Person = 31
- Yeti = 12
- Zoo = 2
- Zebra = 17
- Zit = 13
- Zombie = 34